Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pneumatic Lithotripter

pneumatic lithotripter is a device used for the purpose of pulverization of kidney stones or gall stones. The lithotripter crushes the stones in the patient’s kidney by passing shock waves through a water filled tub in which the patient is made to sit. Pneumatic lithotripter are used via a rigid or semi-rigid endoscope with a straight working channel for the fragmentation of urinary tract (kidney, urethra and bladder) stones. 

digital telescope suppliers devices are more in use due to the fact that they require fewer shocks in order to fragment the stones. Various clinical studies have proved that these Digital Telescope Suppliers are atraumatic to the surrounding tissues and thus can be used without any hesitation in the cure of these kidney stones. Pneumatic lithotripters are also provided with variation of pulses so that the user is left with the choice of how much fragmentation does he want with the stones.

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